But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. (Galatians 5:18)
This is the answer to the question of the Law: walk in the Spirit. Led by God’s Spirit, we can walk in obedience to Him, doing exactly what He wants us to do.
When God showed me about redeeming the time, one thing that stood out to me was that in order to redeem the time, we must get direction from HIm. Only God knows what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, only He knows what the very best usage of our time is.
When we don’t listen to God and seek His direction, we will waste time. We cannot be led by the Spirit if we don’t listen to Him. Consequently, we end up doing things that have no eternal value. Many times, God will lead us to do the exact opposite of what seems logical. However, if we will follow Him, we will learn the logic of His direction. If we insist on doing our own thing, we never learn what He wanted to teach us and never accomplish what He wanted us to.
Live in the Spirit!
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