The Christian and The Law [Video]
As Christians, what is our relationship to the Old Testament Law? Do we still need to follow it? If so, which parts? What about the Ten Commandments?
The Journal of a Journey
As Christians, what is our relationship to the Old Testament Law? Do we still need to follow it? If so, which parts? What about the Ten Commandments?
One day, I asked God why He gave the Law and waited so long to send Jesus. All of a sudden, I realized something that I had not thought of before. The Bible says that God sent Jesus “in the Read More …
Recently, God delivered me from the bondage of following feelings. For many years, I have had feelings: “Do this.” “Do that.” “Don’t do that.” I believed that it was God’s promptings in my heart. However, sometimes I would have feelings Read More …
It wasn’t too many years ago that I would have been shocked by the title of this article. I was one of those caught up in this sin. I had an article online that taught that it was a sin Read More …
Titus 1:12-14 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. 13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; 14 Not Read More …
What is liberty? What liberty does Jesus give us? We need to know what He has for us, what the Christian life can offer. Why is it that Jesus would even talk about liberty and yet give commands? Do we Read More …