Bind Up the Wounds

Sheet Music






1. Many hearts are bruised and broken,
They are wounded deep within the soul,
Needing us to show compassion,
Jesus’ love to make them whole.


Bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted,
Set the oppressed ones free,
Open the prison and release the captives,
Help the blind to see.

2. Many Christians live in bondage
To oppressive commands of men,
Robbed of Jesus’ grace and power,
Liberty to follow Him.

3. Satan holds so many captive
In the prison walls of guilt and sin.
Though they try, they won’t get freedom
Till the pow’r of Christ comes in.

4. Many stumble on in darkness,
Blindly groping for the way of right,
Led along by other blind men.
Will you give to them the light?

5. Jesus is the God of justice,
And He wants us all to be made free.
Let us follow in His footsteps,
Bring the world His liberty!