As Brian finished praying over me, I jumped to my feet, threw my hands in the air, and shouted “I’m healed!”
As you’ve seen from the rest of this series, it’s been a long journey for me. I recently tipped over the 30-year-old mark. And those 30 years have had a lot of struggle. A lot of pain. A lot of searching for answers. A lot of discouragement.
Many times of questioning.
Years of feeling like an abject failure in my walk with God.
When I entered counseling in February, the counselor’s test at the beginning confirmed what I had suspected.
I had depression.
Most people who know me in real life are familiar with my smile. One of my coworkers asked me why I was so happy all the time. He hadn’t seen the other side of my life.
I had prayed for healing. I had been anointed for healing. But I continued to struggle with mild to moderate depression. Depression that sucked the joy out of living and made it unpalatable to do things I had once enjoyed.
Which is why I was sitting on the front row at Revivalist Ministries’ Winter Retreat in mid-March. The evening speaker had opened an invitation to anyone who wanted to come receive anointing for illness. And, with some hesitation, I had come and taken a spot with those requesting anointing.
The speaker had asked two members of the audience to come do the actual anointing. And now my dear friend Brian was coming toward me with oil on his hand.
He placed both hands on my head and began to pray for my healing. Without me even telling him what was wrong, he prayed for emotional healing; for God to take away the lies and bring the truth.
And when he finished praying, I knew that something had changed. I can’t explain exactly how I knew. But I sprang to my feet and threw my hands in the air. “I’m healed!” I yelled.
I worried, somewhere down inside, that it was just an emotional charge—that I was only believing I was healed because I wanted to, not because I was actually healed. However, the days following have borne out the truth—I have been healed.
I have to add that the entire weekend was awesome. God did some amazing things in my heart, and continued to do so in the following weeks. Am I happy all the time? No. But something has changed within me. The Lord has been pouring His joy into my soul. The depression is gone!
God is the One who heals all of our diseases (Psalm 103:3). And I stand as a witness—my God heals!
Featured image by Sheila Nolt Photography, courtesy of Revivalist Ministries.
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Wonderful and comforting proclamation of the power and providence of our God.
Praise God for the strength and joy that He alone can provide! Thanks for sharing your testimony, Joel!
Psalm 28:7 & 43:5
I wrote you a note and it disappeared