This is a song that started with a chorus that God gave me on Easter morning, 2008. Later, He gave me the verses in time for Easter in 2009.
Sheet Music
1. Jesus’ disciples left His tomb,
Hearts filled with misery and gloom.
They watched as guards were brought to make the grave secure.
But on the third day women came.
They found the tomb was not the same,
For the guards lay as dead beside the open door!
For the stone is rolled back,
And the Savior arose.
Over death and its power
The vict’ry is won.
For this wonderful Savior
Came to save fallen man.
What a wonderful Savior,
What a wonderful Friend!
2. When John and Peter came to see,
Wond’ring if this could really be,
They found the empty tomb and folded, empty clothes.
When the disciples met that day,
Talking of what had taken place,
Suddenly Jesus Christ appeared.
For he had arose!
3. Then Jesus shared a meal with them,
Told how He died for fallen men,
Yet is arisen, so now all believers will rise.
Though He’s gone back to Heav’n on high,
And we know we may some day die,
When He comes back, we’ll rise again,
Join Him in the skies!
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