The Christian and The Law [Video]
As Christians, what is our relationship to the Old Testament Law? Do we still need to follow it? If so, which parts? What about the Ten Commandments?
The Journal of a Journey
As Christians, what is our relationship to the Old Testament Law? Do we still need to follow it? If so, which parts? What about the Ten Commandments?
It wasn’t too many years ago that I would have been shocked by the title of this article. I was one of those caught up in this sin. I had an article online that taught that it was a sin Read More …
Titus 1:12-14 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. 13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; 14 Not Read More …
What is liberty? What liberty does Jesus give us? We need to know what He has for us, what the Christian life can offer. Why is it that Jesus would even talk about liberty and yet give commands? Do we Read More …
You may wonder what the above has to do with each other. Rest assured, there is a connection! We celebrated Jesus’ resurrection yesterday—triumphing over sin, death, the grave, the Pharisees, Satan, and the Law of Moses. Yes, the Law of Read More …
Some people teach that we should call God by His Hebrew names. They continue this by calling Jesus “Yeshua” (Or the many variants—Yahsua, Yahashua, Y’shua, etc.), and may even do things like calling Paul “Sh’aul” and Moses “Moshe”. Are they Read More …
I am amazed at the ways some people will seek to put us under the Old Covenant. It is akin to finding reasons for going to jail, or going to a monastery. It is bondage. God says: Stand fast therefore Read More …
In the church today, there is something that underlies so many disputes, discussions, deceit and divisions: the Law. Not the law of the land, but the Old Covenant. I have not found another teaching that is so pervasive in its Read More …